English Essay 2014 lesson Four

8. Terrorism Causes, Effects and its Solution:

Terrorism is the systematic use of terror, often violent, especially as a means of coercion. In the international community common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for a religious, political or, ideological goal; and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (civilians). Some definitions now include acts of unlawful violence and war. The use of similar tactics by criminal organizations for protection rackets or to enforce a code of silence is usually not labeled terrorism though these same actions may be labeled terrorism when done by a politically motivated group. Perhaps it is less oppressive in itself than through the effects of the precautions taken to protect its likely victims.

Terrorism has been practiced by a broad array of political organizations for furthering their objectives. It has been practiced by right-wing and left-wing political parties, nationalistic groups, religious groups, revolutionaries, and ruling governments. An abiding characteristic is the indiscriminate use of violence against noncombatants for the purpose of gaining publicity for a group, cause, or individual. The symbolism of terrorism can leverage human fear to help achieve these goals.

Causes of Terrorism:

Research studies have shown that reasons why people turn to terrorism is multiple and inconclusive. This topic is highly debatable among the public and politicians. Below are some more common and prominent examples:

Probably the most contested cause of terrorism is an aggrieved group resorting to violence for nationalist or separatist reasons. Thus far, only Mahatma Ghandi and his followers of the freedom movement have managed to liberate themselves from foreign occupation by peaceful means and not terrorism, whereas in most other (previously) colonised states, nationalism movements commonly turned to terrorism, this reveals an extreme nationalism, the main aims, for example to establish or assert language rights, religious beliefs and symbols.

A more important factor may be the social stratification and inequalities in the distribution of scarce resources. Problems usually identified were notions on the lack of exactly defined economic factors influencing the decision to resort to political conflict and the "tolerance for inequality".

The factor of democracy as an instigator or facilitator for terrorism deserves further exploration. A democratic government is supposed to represent the people and provide political means to voice grievances, hence essentially providing a sphere where terrorism has no place. Arguably, based on claims, one can say it is exactly absence of a 'correct' implementation of democratic ideals and not democracy.

Opposite the concept of disaffected intelligentsia is the assertion that it is not intelligentsia, but simpleminded people who are easy to indoctrinate that are perceived to be 'the cause' prevalent in more recent popular literature. They, and others, are essentially trying to dehumanize terrorists, thereby confirming terrorist's core reasons they are fighting for: being heard, recognized and treated as equal human beings.

In line with either dehumanization, or with previously outlined ethnicity and democracy or both, is religion as a cause for terrorism put forward, Bear in mind though, that there are also a 'disproportionate' amount Christians. Last, New Age - as a religion - considers the perceived cause of terrorism the "modern society", being "too stressful and uncreative", i.e. a problem within oneself.

Effects of Terrorism
·        Changes in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
·        Unemployment levels
·        Inflation levels
·        The rate of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
·        The performance of the stock market
·        Changes in the value of the local currency
·        The level of the governmental debt and changes in government defense spending
·        The health of particular sectors of the economy
·        Serious Unrest and dispute among public and politicians

Solution to Terrorism
People the world over are trying to find a solution to terrorism. The authorities are trying to crush the terror menace through legal action; western powers are trying to crush it through warfare; however, these methods are, apparently, proving ineffective.

According to Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, the present problem of terrorism is based on an ideology and an ideology cannot be countered or killed through legal action or by mere condemnation. We have to develop a counter-ideology to overcome it.

According to UNESCO, “Violence begins from the mind”. It must, therefore, be uprooted from the mind itself. This goes directly to the root cause of terrorism. Therefore, in order to eliminate this root cause we need to initiate our efforts by beginning from the right starting point. And this starting point is the re-engineering of minds of individuals by taking them away from the culture of violence and bringing them closer to the culture of peace.

In order to explain the importance of the above, let us state two parallel examples from history. One pertains to the American campaign against Communist Russia and the other refers to the American campaign against Saddam-led Iraq. Both Communist Russia and Iraq were declared enemies of the United States of America, but while the US was successful in curbing the menace of Communist Russia, the same America failed to cope with the menace of Saddam-led Iraq. The reason behind this difference was that America met the Russian challenge at an ideological level, while it opted for military action against Saddam’s Iraq.

According to Maulana Sahab, terrorism will persist in one form or another until the ideology of violence is countered with another ideology based on peace.

9. Merits and Demerits of Mobile Phones

The advent of mobile phones has squeezed this large world and brought it into the palm of human being. However mobile phones have always been instigating debates among the people about their merits and demerits. Apart from the instant access they give us, mobile phones have multipurpose uses ranging from business work, means for entertainment and ensuring security. On the other hand, they have some disadvantages like initiating violation of privacy, unnecessary wastage of money, talking on mobile phones while driving and emission of radiation from the handsets which is allegedly harmful for health. I would like to argue for the advantages of mobile phones which outweigh their disadvantages.     

The main feature of mobile phones is ‘instant access' which makes them the most exclusive devices for communication. Now people can make voice or VDO call or send text messages to anyone anytime from almost anywhere at a cheap rate using mobile phones.. Moreover, in this modern world of advanced communication loads of business deals are made through mobile phone conferences. 
1.      you can carry a mobile phone with you so you don't miss important calls
2.       if you are lost, you can call for directions.
3.       if you are in an accident, you can call the police or ambulance - and if the phone has a camera, you can take pictures of the accident.
4.       you can listen to music, text, play games when you're bored.
5.       every mobile phones have a calculator and a phone book.
6.       you can use a mobile phone to call your customers or boss if you are running late to a meeting.
7.       You can surf Internet & Connect with the whole world by Mobile.
8.       You can chat & video conference.
9.       keep in touch with friends and family
10.  good for emergencies
11.  Employees can keep in touch at all times.
12.  Customers can contact staff 24/7
13.  Phones have internet connection
14.  More work available
15.  They have cameras
16.  You can check your emails
17.  Can be used worldwide
18.  it can fit in your pocket.

1.      they can damage your ear 
2.       sometimes the reception is poor in some areas, limiting your connectivity (you can't talk underground or on planes).
3.       people use the phone while they are driving, and this can cause problems.
4.       They can limit your face to face time with friends and family 
5.       They can get you in trouble at school
6.       Can be expensive
7.       can be hard to find the right package
8.       Can ruin the connection to the computer.
9.       Staff can abuse their phones if they have internet connection
10.  Can be hard for older people to use.

10. Blessings of Science
Once upon a time man had to bend his knees before the might of nature. Today he commands nature. The moon, the planets and the stars are no longer far away. The depths of the ocean, the highest mountains and the coldest places have been conquered.
Ours is an age of Internet, E-Mail, Websites, Mobile phones, Supercomputers, Information Superhighway, Space shuttles, Guided missiles, etc. Science has revolutionised every aspect of the present-day civilization, beyond all comprehension.
One of the great contributions of modern science is that it has made our life easy, comfortable, luxurious and least burdensome. All kinds of manual works are being replaced by machines or computer controlled machinery.
Today work is a matter of pressing buttons and controlling the whole process from air-conditioned rooms. Science has not only made our life easy but has also profoundly improved our standard of living. Shabbily built wooden houses are being replaced by well-furnished modern flats.
The usual household chores such as, sweeping, washing, cleaning, cooking, etc., are no longer time consuming endeavours, Washing machines, vacuum cleaners, micro-ovens, cars, PCs , TVs, VCRs, digital receivers, air coolers, air condition facilities, etc., are not only possessed by the rich, but also by most average middle-class families. Science has brought in tremendous improvements in people’s standard of living.
Another major contribution of science has been in the field of health and medical care. Once upon a time hundreds perished as a result of incurable diseases and ailments. Today except for few diseases such as, Cancer and Aids, everything else is curable.
Ours is an age of heart transplants, brain operations, pinhole surgeries and test-tube babies. Science has also revolutionised the fields of agriculture and food production. H.Y.V. seeds (High yielding varieties), better pesticides and excellent fertilizers developed by the scientists have increased our food production and brought green in our country.
Science has also changed the very face of our travel and communication. Travel was once upon a time dreaded upon. Today it is a pleasure. Today it is faster, comfortable and luxurious. Communication has taken a leap.
Distance is no longer a barrier. Television and Internet have made our world a small place to live in. Events taking place thousands of miles away can be watched live sitting in our living rooms. Today one need not cross borders to watch International matches and ‘World Cups’.
They are available at doorstep at the click of a switch. The blessings of modern science are also clearly visible in the fields of industry, power generation, space exploration, defence, entertainment, trade, etc.
Huge machineries, nuclear power stations, supercomputers, remote-controlled fighter planes, supersonic jets, mighty ships, sharp radars, long-range missiles, rockets, satellites, space shuttles, etc. are the products of modern science.
Thus, we can say that science has totally changed the very face of our existence. It has not merely improved but revolutionised our style of living, working, travel, communication, medical care, industries, agriculture and our entire economy.
Our present-day civilization is indeed a gift of the modern science. However, this same science can be used for the destruction and end of mankind. It is a great tool in our hands which can be twisted to suit us or to harm us. It all depends on how we use it.

11.             Elections offer new hope to violence-hit Pakistan
After playing a decade-long frontline role in the war on terror and becoming the victim of the wrath of the Taliban outfits, Pakistan seeks strength in democracy by holding general elections on time. 
The political parties, joining hands against militancy provided military necessary moral support to act against religious militants threatening peace in western province and tribal regions bordering Afghanistan. 

The National Assembly having completed its term, for the first time in the history of the country, and the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) determined to hold elections on scheduled date in May, law and order has becomes a top priority for Islamabad to keep this democratic exercise free and fair. 

President Asif Ali Zardari, who had been linking regional trade with the solution of the fiscal hardships of Pakistan for the last five years of his party’s rule has spelled domestic peace as his top priority by suggesting out-of-the box solution for violence-torn Karachi, the port city and backbone of country’s economy. 

Inaugurating a number of development projects in Sindh recently, Zardari issued a stern warning to the officials responsible for law and order and said that the upcoming elections will be essentially held in peaceful environment in the port city, which has a proven strength to contribute 70% in the country’s economy but has fallen to prey to gang warfare. 

The president has attended ground-breaking ceremony of $7.5 billion gas pipeline despite the serious concerns of the US, saying that the project will not only cater to the growing energy needs of Pakistan but is also expected to play a crucial role in economic integration of the region. 
By holding general elections in a peaceful environment, Pakistan wants to send a loud message to the business community across the world that it is not only committed to democracy, but is also safe for foreign direct investment as well. 

Pakistan had been embroiled in the Cold War politics since its birth and during the 1980s offered its soil against cash awards by the democratic world, led by the USA, to be used as a base camp to launch religiously-motivated guerilla operations against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. 

The rift between Pakistan’s two major parties, the PPP and the PML-N, one enjoying support of the religious right, and the US economic sanctions following the nuclear tests of 1998, pushed the country back to a decade-long military rule, spearheaded by General Pervez Musharraf. 

Pakistan, under army’s rule, embraced the frontline state role in War on Terror against wavering off economic sanctions and cash awards but as the time passed, India, the eastern neighbor, succeeded in convincing the US and European Union that the military-led regime was not sincere in weeding out militancy from its soil which hurt it as much as Afghanistan. 

As second Bush Administration neared to its end, opinion in the US and European Union clearly turned in favor of having pure democracy in Pakistan to win War on Terror. The exiled leadership of the major political parties took the cue and intensified its struggle against the military-led regime, which despite all its defects had held general elections and
pledged to hold the next in time as well. 

5.         Refer page # 102-105 of notes.                 
6.         (i) The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
            (ii) A good man should keep his promise.
            (iii) If I were you, I would not do this.
            (iv) The problem of Kashmir is the bone of contention between India & Pakistan.
            (v) Have you read this book?
            (vi) Smoking is injurious to health.
            (vii) Who plucked this flower?
            (viii) A good book is the best companion of man.
            (ix) Although he is a poor but he is generous.
            (x) Pillion riding is banned.

Honesty is the best policy. If you are honest, people respect you honestly is a self reward. An honest man remains happy mentally. God will surely reward him on dooms day.

Author's view

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Silent Tears
Nobody Is Perfect and I am Nobody

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