
There is a great controversy going on in Pakistanwhether women should do the job or not. Orthodox people are in favour of female education, but they are opposed to doing them job. But this view does not sound well. If women are mentally fit to do job, there seems to be no reasons why they should not be allowed to develop their mental faculties. There is other group of liberal people which is in favour of the female job.
Islam has dearly defined and determined the states of women in society, according to the teachings of Islam men and women enjoy equal rights in our society.
However, Islam does not prevent the women from serving in various social institutions. They may work as teachers doctors, nurses etc. they may also take part in politics.
This is an age of scientific era. The life has become mechanic and man has become machine. He is very busy in his activities. Every body wants to upgrade his life style and wants to improve his standard of living. The side effect of this progress and luxurious life style are the pollution, stress and dearness. It has been very difficult for oneself of meet his expenses in the city life. so in order to meet the expenses, both man and woman have to work for their livelihood.


The advantages of a working woman (working mother and sisters) are as follow:
Improvement of standard of living
When man and woman both are working they earn more and this makes their desires to be fulfilled and they can easily meet their expenses and can afford the comforts and luxuries. Their children can get education in a better school or colleges so they improve their quality of life and education.
Working of a woman can increase in the confidence of a woman and this improves and builds up her personality. She plays and equal role in the society and can be a symbol for other women just like Miss Fatima Jinnah (the mother of nation) Lady Haroon, Parveen Shakir and Mrs Bilquees Edhi. They are Pakistani women and are milestones for other women. There are a lot of other working women in the society who work very hard and equally support for the betterment of our society.
Another advantages of working women is that when a woman works in an office, the office environment becomes good and every one in the office staff becomes well behaved and gentleman. There are great changes in their dressing, talking style, behaviour and discipline. Everybody becomes psychologically polite and courteous.
Disadvantages (problem faced by working woman/ mother/ sister)    
There are many problems faced by working women for instance being a working women, they are also house hold women they have many domestic responsibilities as well as professional responsibilities and they have to bring up their children too. They have to take care of their husbands and the other in laws.
Criticism by the society
In our society, working women are looked, down upon by man. They are restricted by their parents to do the job. They are not given their own freedom, so they can not spend their lives according to their wishes and desires.
They have to face the criticism of the society and people blame them of doing nothing.
Jealousy of man
This is man oriented society. In this society man does not like any woman working better than a man so he feels jealous when a woman’s efficiency is better and she gets reputation in the society. A husband does not like his wife to be praised by the public for performance in the society.

Transportation problem
Although the female population is greater than that a male, there are not much facilities for them specially the transport facility. The public transports have a very congested compartment for the ladies in which they are thickly populated and have much problems in their travel.
Teasing of men all around
A woman who goes outside her home to work and to take part in social activities always faces the starring eyes of a man. Man is everywhere to tease her and to chase her. This threatens a women to go outside to work or to get education. This condition is very serious in small cities and in villages we can not imagine a woman coming outside for work because the narrow minded feudal do not allow it.
Negative thinking of the society

In our society, when a woman works in an office or works as a teacher, nurse or a doctor etc. she is supposed to be lose character by illiterate and ignorant people. It has been noted that a working woman or girl has to wait a lot for the message of their wedding. This attitude should no more be existed.

Author's view

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