The process of systematic violence in the furtherance of political aims often by small guerilla groups is called as terrorism. The clash of civilizations was appeared during the World War I and World War II. In World War I (1914-1918) European power Germany, Austria, Hungary and allies on one side and the Triple Enteritis Britain and the British Empire, France, Russia and their allies, including the U.S.A. and their allies on the other side. An estimated 10 million lives were lost and twice that number were wounded. The World War II (1935-1945) Germany, Italy and Japan (The Axis Powers) on ever side and the Britain, the common wealth, France, the U.S.A. the U.S.S.R and China (the Allied Powers) on the other side. An estimated 55 million lives were lost in the World War II and 60 million people in European were displaced because of bombing raids. After the Second World War the United States of Americastarted its nuclear program and tested the nuclear explosions. America used nuclear energy for making its defense powerful and started to interfere in the internal politics of other states of the world. After the disintegration of USSR in 1991, America became a super power state of the world. The nuclear energy and modern war weapons always remained a tool for Americafor dominating the world. When the other states of the world also started to use nuclear energy for their defense, then the Unite Nations and American both applied restrictions for making nuclear tests and for the manufacturing of nuclear weapons.

On viewing the diplomatic policies of America for its own interest, various groups in different states of the world started their struggle for breaking the hold of super powers on world politics, economy and trade. These groups used terrorism as a source of obtaining power, thus different incidents of terrorism began to appear at various places in the world. Bomb blasts at public places, missile attacks, hijacking and suicide bomb blasts are the different methods which are being used for showing terrorism. All the non-Muslim nations of the world blamed out the Muslim states that they are supervising and promoting the terrorists and the Muslims are the big terrorists and they want to capture the power of the world by using their terrorist attacks.       

After the worst incident of terrorism in America with the destruction of World Trade Centre on September 11, 2011, the American President George W. Bush pledged to eradicate terrorism from its roots and appealed the nations of the world to come forward and join the U.S in curbing the menace of terrorism. Initially a coalition of forty nations was formed. Pakistan occupying a highly strategic location was asked to join the coalition. The America government dramatically re-fashioned its relationship with Pakistanafter 9/11 attacks. Pervaiz Musharaf was declared as a sincere friend of American. Pervaiz Musharaf played leading role in helping the American for eradication of terrorism. About 500 Al-Qayeda and Taliban activities had been either killed or arrested from Pakistan. The worst incident of Americapolicies against the Muslims of the world was appeared in the form of America-Iraq war in 2003. Americaattacked Iraqon March 20, 2003 with its allied forces giving no respect to the instructions of the United Nations. The allied forces defeated Iraqi army and the fall of Baghdad was occurred on April 11, 2003. The American captured hold on Iraqi government. The war against terrorism which was started in 2001 seems the war against the Muslims and underdeveloped countries of the world for capturing their resources. In Pakistan, America established a new political set up after the president Musharaf. The many incidents of terrorism have been appeared in Pakistanafter its coalition in the war against terrorism. The
military operation against Taliban has been started in Sawat and Malakand division. The American policies are seemed to the successful and the Muslims are fighting against the Muslims. The war against terrorism is actually a hidden policy of the super powers for making the new geographical and political order of the world.             

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