English Essay Lesson Thirteen


"Democracy is the government of the people, for the people and by the people."
(Abraham Lincoln)
Representative democracy involves the selection of government officials by the people being represented. The most common systems involve election of the candidates with a majority vote.
Pakistan is a democratic and Islamic country, but democracy in Pakistan has been the most irregular and unsatisfactory. The principles of democracy are equality, freedom and social justice which are, unfortunately, not being fully enjoyed by the people of Pakistan. The reason is that the dictators never allow the principles of democracy to flourish in our country.
True democracy anywhere in the world is only possible if the people are educated. It is a fact that more than 80 percent of our people are illiterate. Some of them do not even know how to write their names. They do not understand what is happening around the world. They cannot use their right to vote intelligently and sensibly. It is the people who elect the candidates for the assemblies, and if the people do not exercise their right to vote freely and fairly, corrupt and unsuitable people will govern the country.
'When people fear the government, there is tyranny; when the governmentfears the people, there is liberty"

The existence of feudal system controls the lives of millions of villagers and farmers. They are in majority in the country, but they do not enjoy even the rights of minority. The uneducated people will continue to vote for their lords and they will always remain illiterate, backward and down-trodden. The members of our elected national and provincial assemblies are big guns. Their own benefits keep the country backward .The big industrialists also jump into politics to share the political and commercial benefits with their "jagirdaar" brothers. These "jagirdaars" and industrialists have always joined hands with the military dictators. The result is that Pakistanhas a history of martial-laws and dictatorial democracies.
Our top political leaders, ministers, chief ministers, prime ministers and presidents have been coming from upper classes. They do not understand the layman's problems because they do not have the required ability and vision. They are responsible for martial-laws. Democracy cannot flourish in the country in the absence of suitable leaders. Selfish leaders destroy the process of democracy and keep the country poor and backward.
"Be not overcome by evil but overcome evil by good"
The rise in terrorism, the growth of provincialism and sectarianism, population explosion and bad economic policies has also damaged democracy. For the last sixty years, there have been . dictatorial governments in Pakistan which have led the country to irreparable losses. Every ruler promised to redress the grievances and miseries of the common people of Pakistan but always proved to be oppressor, tyrant, and destroyer of the country. The opposing forces are still working hard to sabotage the democratic process. We need another Quaid-e-Azam to free us from the mental slavery and put the country back on the track of true democracy, progress and prosperity.
In a democracy, the poor will have more power than the rich, because there are more of them, and the will of the majority is supreme.-
Democracy did not fail in Pakistanbecause of illiteracy or caste or ethnic differences or any of the other reasons put forward. The real reason is the ideology; Pakistan is wedded to .Sadly this is true of any Islamic country .The current argument can be finished on these words of G.B Shaw______. The Democracy is a system ensuring that people are
governed no better than they deserve.
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My dear, my native Soil!
From whom my warmest wish to heaven's sent,
Long may thy hardy sons of rustic toil,
Be blest with health, and peace, and sweet content!
(Robert Burns)
It is quite natural to love one's country. The Eskimo loves his country in spite of its cold weather. The African, living in the midst of a burning desert, is attached to his homeland. I also love Pakistan because it is my country. There are some people who love their own province. There are others who love the town or the village in which they were born. I am not so narrow in my outlook. I love all provinces. I love Pakistan above all provinces. I do not like to be called a Punjabi, a Sindhi or a Balochi. This is against my spirit of nationalism.
I love Pakistanbecause it is my fatherland. My ancestors were born here; they lived and died here. They tilled its soil and tasted its fruits. Thus, I am the continuation of the dreams and aspirations of my forefathers. I am proud of my rich heritage and I am determined to add to the golden traditions of our past. I am nothing without my past and without my country. Pakistan is my pride, my identity and my everything.

Our country is that spot to which our heart is bound.
Pakistan is the home of great warriors, poets, statesmen and artists. Iqbal, the great poet of Islam: Quaid-i-Azam, who gave us our homeland; Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, who made Pakistan an atomic power; Major Aziz Bhatti and many others who sacrificed their lives for Pakistan; Imran Khan who won Pakistan the World Cup; these are the men of great inspiration for me. The people of Pakistan are superior to the people of any other nation in the world. They have a courage and faith which few people have. They are ready to make the greatest sacrifice when a call comes for it. The sacrifices which they made in 1947 for their homeland are perhaps unique in the world history. No other country has suffered so much for an idea.
I love Pakistanfor its natural resources. It has rich soil which yields crops throughout the year. Its fruits are sweet and unique in. taste. The rivers that flow in Pakistan have given us a fine network of canals that irrigate our fields. Above all, I love Pakistan for the bright future that is sure to come.
To conclude I must say that I do not love my country if I do nothing for it. If I weaken my country in one way or the other, then I actually hate my county. So, I must make my country strong politically, technologically and economically in order to prove my claim of love for Pakistan. I shall do my best to serve my country when I complete my education. I know that if I do wrong to my country, I shall do wrong to myself. I shall, therefore, live for Pakistanand die for Pakistan.
Oh, God! it is the goodly sight to see what heaven hath done for this delicious land.
(Lord Byron)
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Each nation feels superior to other nations. That breeds patriotism - and wars.
(Dale Carnegie)
Patriotism is a frame of mind in which one loves one's country and is proud of it. It is a vigorous feeling of love, loyalty and support for one's country especially in defense against its enemies. It means that one should give more value and importance to one's country than to one's own self. It makes one bound for certain responsibilities, and these responsibilities are ideological commitment and dedication to the defense and prosperity of one's country.

"only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.
(Nathan Hale)
Man is a social animal. It is hard for him to breathe in isolation. Contact with his fellow beings is inevitable for mutual growth and economic development. Patriotism creates unity among the people for a noble cause and trains them to tolerate one and other and sacrifice for the country. "Soldiers die not in hatred but in love."
Patriotism is a virtue that converts a mob into nation. Nations rise and prosper if their individuals are united by a cord of love, sympathy and sincerity. People learn to honor the freedom and independence of their country. They learn that they can prosper and progress if they have a deep natural relation with their country.
Birds fly towards their nests, children rush to take refuge in the lap of their mothers and human beings move towards their homes for peace and shelter, and so is our country that gives us protection and peace. It is a sort of heaven for us. We should try our best to make it beautiful, secure, strong and peaceful. Our existence definitely depends on the existence and survival of our dear homeland. We can do so if we have an ultimate faith in our country. We must not undermine our relationship and association which we have with our homeland by birth.
"Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one."
Disciplined armed forces, hardworking and skillful craftsmen, diligent and committed women, and ambitious students have only one aim and that is to serve their country. They believe that their personal achievement will benefit not only themselves but also their country. They want to raise the flag of their country because they have a strong sense of patriotism.
Love works wonders. Miracles are not beyond us if we are fired with the passion of patriotism. Patriotism fills us with a magnetic force which overcomes all our petty differences of languages and creeds.

"Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's comfort to go hand in hand"
(Emily Kimbrough)
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"Money is power, freedom, a cushion, the root of all evil, the sum of blessings"
(Carl Sandburg)
Inflation means general increase in price or increase in the supply of money. Inflation is a broad, variable and complex term. Only economists can have its better comprehension from economic point of view. It is hard to understand its various kinds for a layman.

There is "Creeping Inflation". It is a healthy trend as it increases development. "Walking inflation" affects savings. "Running Inflation" is hard to control. It affects consumption and savings. It leads to economic recession "Galloping or Hyper Inflation" is disastrous and fatal to economy. "Demand-pull" inflation is because of aggregate in demand of a commodity. "Cost Push Inflation" occurs when cost of production increases.

Inflation is not an unexpected and unpredictable phenomenon. Its seeds are sown because of mismanagement; weak or low market knowledge, indifferent attitude towards economic indicators, weak administrative machinery, absence or lack of check and balance, bureaucratic manipulation, inadvertent boarding and strong association of the market leaders. Disturbance in demand and supply ratio is yet another factor.-

Inflation is a menace in the poor or under developed or developing countries. It badly affects life standard of the people. It increases poverty and decreases purchasing power. Inflation creeps slowly into economic system and assumes magnitude by creating an alarming situation. Inflation destroys or disturbs market balance badly.
World's richest investor Warren Buffet says,
"If you buy things you don't need, soon you will have to sell things you need"
Inflation increases unemployment and, as a result not only skilled but also unskilled workers are laid off. It creates future social problems. It permeates into our social fabric and disturbs everything. Anxiety and depression are the immediate outcomes of inflation. It eats up purchasing capacity of people. It belittles the efforts done by the bread earners to meet the growing needs of their families. Inflation gives rise to dishonesty and corruption.

"The safe -way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket"
(Frank Hubbard)
There is a popular belief that once prices increase, they never decrease. It is true to some extent. However, we can minimize the effects of inflation by concentrated efforts. Inflation can be controlled by a long term and short term sound economic planning. Market competition can bring about reduction in inflation. Local industry should be promoted to reduce inflation. Accessible and cheaper goods can minimize the adverse effects of inflation. These can also provide people with alternatives. This may affect the standard of living but people are protected against adverse effects of inflation. Proper monitoring and regulatory control can help in reducing inflation. Retailers and hawkers sell things of daily use at their own will. They do so because there is no check and balance. There is nobody to enforce law and evaluate the prices at which things are sold.
Inflation can be viewed as an international phenomenon. Only sound planning by the Government can avert it. Inflation is a misery and people can be saved from this misery through mutual effort. To sum up, inflation, in any form, undermines the very foundations of a social set-up. It makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. It carries the social stigma that breeds dissatisfaction among all the factions of a society.

The government should take adequate measures to control this social evil.

I don't mind going back to daylight saving time. With inflation,
the hour will be the only thing I've saved all year.
(Victor Borge)
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Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.
(Julie Andrews)
Discipline is a controlled behavior resulting from the practice of training of body or mind according to rules and regulations. Discipline is the spirit and spice of life. Life without discipline is a voyage in a shore less ocean without maps and navigational equipment. Discipline is a force which unites all the efforts made by man to achieve something rewarding and extraordinary.
Even the creatures like ants follow discipline; these seem to be walking like an army, in a sequence to reach their destination and attain their cherished objectives. Birds fly in a pattern to realize their unidentified direction. All the living creatures seem to have a resolve to follow discipline. Water flows in a direction with a certain harmony among its droplets. It never observes any disorder or disintegration. All the creatures grow by following a pattern. The sun pours its rays downwards. The mountains have symmetry in them. Revolving planets follow a sequence. They rotate in their specific paths or orbits. The whole universe seems to be bound in a certain order.
Discipline is a symbol of caring to a child. Discipline is guidance. If there is love, there is no such thing as being too tough with a child.
(Bette Davis)
Dur Armed Forces have a set schedule of training comprising different stages. Almost all the phenomena and processes have a certain mechanism or pattern. Discipline is very important for progress and prosperity of a nation. A well-disciplined nation can rise high in the field of technology, science and commerce. The ruling nations in the world display extreme discipline otherwise they would not have achieved status in the world. Nations that have well disciplined leaders progress with a rapid pace. We can achieve our goals and objectives if we are disciplined. Discipline conserves the resources and enables us to plan for our future needs.
offering prayers five times a day gives us a clear message of organization and discipline. We follow a specific code of conduct and maintain discipline among us. Discipline gives us oncentrated power. We can realize our aims if we are well disciplined. A disciplined person is a appy person who has clear understanding of his abilities, opportunities, available resources at his isposal and course which he has to follow.
An undisciplined person is wayward and a failure. He wastes his energy and depreciates his bilities. He tries to attain something but, without any proper and organized effort. What we achieve r lose depends a lot on our being disciplined.
To conclude, it is the tact universally acknowledged that without discipline life on this earth will be a complete chaos. It restrains and channelizes our energies in positive direction and lends charm to otherwise charmless objects.
Age acquires no value save through thought and discipline.
(James Truslow Adams)
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"Read in the name of they Lord who created you."
(Al Quran)
The first revelation on the prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) aptly reveals the importance of education. Education and civilization are broader in their sense and practice. They are co-relative. The nations which have high rate of literacy progress rapidly and are now leaders in the world.

"Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army."
(Edwerd Everett)
It is commonly observed that people who are educated have better understanding of the governance. They are prone to act on the principles more accurately than those who have no formal or informal education. Following the rules or principles ensures smooth flow of the affairs in any society. On the other hand, illiterate persons or masses disturb peace and order as they do not follow the principles, rules

"The most violent element in society is ignorance."
(Emma Goldman)
An illiterate person has a limited thought and narrow canvas. He does not and cannot think beyond a
certain level. He is confined to his own interests and personal motives. He is unable to appreciate
new aspects and possibilities. Illiteracy hinders his personal as well as collective growth.
"All the knowledge in the world is found within you."
(Anthony J. D 'Angelo)
An industrial worker who has skill and has proper training in the related field can act for the good of himself and for his company. He is an efficient worker and can increase the production of that industrial concern. He is matchless in his performance. He works by using his skills and gains knowledge in a better way.
Illiteracy breeds crimes. People who are not educated do not have a clear idea of the importance of laws. They violate laws for their petty benefits. Illiteracy is the greatest threat to the integrity of a nation. Illiterate nations do not value their freedom. They involve in petty quarrels and disgrace their country.
"Some folks are wise and some are otherwise."
(Tobias Smot/et)
There are many countries that have high rate of literacy even though they have limited natural resources and low per capita income. They survive in the world with grace and dignity. So, it is the level of education an literacy that makes a nation powerful politically, technologically and economically.
Education should be free for all the members of the society. Incentives should be given for those who have some financial problems. A programme of mass education can enhance the rate of literacy and wipe out the curse of illiteracy.

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A particular make, a shape ,a style ,or a pattern followed by most of the people may be called a fashion .It includes clothing ,hairstyles furniture literature, jewelry and many other things.
"Style is the man," claims Sainte-Beuve, one of Matthew Arnold's heroes.
The above cited quote is one of Matthew Arnold's intellectual stances. Some people believe that life is not worth-living without fashion. Everybody wants to appear fashionable and stylish, and he spends lots of money on his hairstyle, beauty products, dress designing and shoes. Fashions go on changing. One fashion that is in today may be outdated tomorrow. Fashions have been in the world since the beginning of human civilization. Fashion industry is not a new thing in today's world. Thousands and millions of people depend upon changing passions for their livelihood.
"We are shaped and fashioned by what we love."
(Johann Wolfgang)

Fashions usually take their origin in the west. In Pakistan also, there are parties and social gatherings in which people try to outdo one another by their fashions and styles. From the west these fashions reach the third-world countries. By the time people of the poor countries adopt these fashions, the westerns discard them and move on to the others, and thus the fashion industry goes on flourishing. Media has also contributed a lot towards fashions and fads. There are fashion shows, beauty contests and dress designing competitions in the form of catwalk shows, TV dramas especially soap serials on different channels like Star Plus. Movies and music shows have also triggered the fashion craze among the different classes of people.
Fashions and styles make us look attractive and different from other people but, according to Aldous Huxley, it is our inner-self or soul that makes us beautiful or ugly. If we are bored, depressed or morally decayed, our outward appearance will do nothing but reflect our soul. It is actually the purity and beauty of our soul that makes our skin glow and our eyes shine. Fashions are then only a disguise or a cover that hides our reality and make us look attractive outwardly.
Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months."
(Oscar Wilde)
The craze of fashions is mostly found among women and youngsters. A visit to college of today would indeed be an interesting experiment for those who wish to know something about the influence of fashion on men .Boys as well as girls spend much of their time on toilet .Female students go two steps further .Fashion they regard as their special right .Girls have a natural and inborn love of pretty dresses and in college they get a real opportunity .Girls spend a great deal of their money on powder, cream and lipstick. Scents and perfumes are used by these Juilets to excite and stir their Romeos. Evidently such boys and girls do not take their studies seriously the They may forget the formulae of mathematics but they don't forget the names of the films. It is quite natural with women to beautify themselves. They should, however, give more importance to the purity of their soul than to their outward appearance. Beauty products, parlors, costly costumes and dandy shoes will not add to our attractiveness as much as do our peace of mind, contentment of our soul and spiritual happiness. We should not, therefore, imitate the westerns or other people because the western culture and civilization are hollow and the people there are spiritually dead. I recall here the saying by a famous writer who says we may have a fashion of our own if we retain our naturalness, innocence, and purity of heart and soul.
"Fashions fade, style is eternal."
(Saint Laurent)
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