welcome to vocabulary Section here are vocabulary with meaning in English
Jiggler = a tea bag for a tea cup
Jerry-build (v) = built insubstantially from inferior materials
Jaywalk (v.intr) = cross or walk in the street or road without regard for trafficjaywalker (n)
Jejune (adj) = intellectually unsatisfying; shallow; (of ideas, writings, etc.) meager, scanty; dry and uninteresting jejunely (adv); jejuneness(n)
No joke = a serious matter
Judicial separation = the separation of man and wife by decision of a court
Just now = at this moment; a little time ago
Do justice to = treat fairly or appropriately; show due appreciation
With justice = reasonably
Every man jack = each and every person
Jalopy (adj) = a dilapidated old motor vehicle
After hours = after closing time
Moratorium (n) = a temporary prohibition or suspension of an activity
Moribund (adj) = at the point of death; lacking vitality mobribundity(n)
Beauty sleep = sleep before midnight, supposed to be health-giving
Siesta (n) = an afternoon sleep or rest esp. in hot countries
Nap (n. & v.) = sleep lightly or briefly; a short sleep or doze, esp. by day (catch a person napping = find a person asleep or off guard)
The naked eye = unassisted vision, e.g. without a telescope, microscope, etc.
Have to one’s name = possess
Acumen (n) = keen insight or discernment, penetration
Out of action = not working
Workaholic (n) = a person addicted to working
Reverie (n) = day dreaming
Retrogress (v. intr.) = go back; move backwards; deteriorate retrogressive (adj)
In the mass = in the aggregate
Vicegerent (adj. & n.) = exercising delegated power; a vicegerent person; a deputy
With a view to = with the hope or intention of; with the aim of attaining (with a view to marriage)
In the vicinity of = near to
Came into view; in full view of the crowd; a fine view of the town; a room with a view; holds strong views on morality; took a favorable view of the matter; different ways of viewing a subject; does not view the matter in the same light
Open-handedly = generously
Open-mindedly = in an open-minded manner
For the time being = for the present; until dome other arrangement is made
For a while = for some time
In a while (or little while) = soon, shortly
Implausible (adj) = not plausible
Impetus (n) = a driving force or impulse
Primum mobile (n) = the central or most important source of motion or action; impetus
Gilded youth = young people of wealth, fashion, and flair
At issue = under discussion; in dispute
Under way = in motion; in progress
Make an issue of = make a fuss about; turn into a subject of contention