vocabulary list lesson Twenty One

Now come to the vocabulary:

To taste = in the amount needed for a pleasing result (add salt and pepper to taste).

Bad/Bitter taste = a strong feeling or regret or unease (Don’t feel bad taste; she will be friendly to you).

Have heard of = be aware of; know of the existence of

Heap coals of fire on a person’s head = cause a person remorse by returning good for evil

This milk smells sour. 

Go / Turn sour = (of food etc.) become sour. 2. Turn out badly (the job went sour on him).

As far as I can see = to the best of my understanding or belief

Do you see?  Do you understand?  (Read about “Understand” in dictionary)

As I see it = in my opinion

Has seen better days = has declined from former prosperity; good condition, etc.

I will be seeing you. = an expression on parting

See the light = realize one’s mistakes etc.  2. Suddenly see the way to proceed 3. Undergo religious conversion.

See to it that = ensure (see to it that I am not disturbed).

We shall see / will see about it = a formula for declining to act at once

Look at = consider; examine (we must look at the facts).

Look into = investigate or examine

Look + where, what etc = Ascertain or observe by sight (look where we are).

Look to = take care of; consider (look to the future).

Look here! = calling attention, expressing a protest etc

Look before you leap = avoid precipitate action

Look down on = regard with contempt or a felling of superiority

Look sharp = Act promptly

Feel one’s way = proceed carefully; act cautiously

First come first served; first of all; first and foremost

First off = first of all

First-rate (adj) = of the highest class; excellent

First thing = before anything else; very early in the morning (shall do it first thing).

The first thing = even the most elementary fact or principal (does not know the first thing about it).

First things first = the most important things before any others (we must do first things first).

Silent Tears
Nobody Is Perfect and I am Nobody

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