today i will tell you how can you use "way" in various sentences so enjoy and keep visit
- She asked me the way to London.
- I could not found the way out.
- That is not the way to do it. (=method)
- You have a specific way of forgetting the names of your friends.(=personal habit)
- That is always the way. (=the normal course of events)
- I met her on the way home.
- We traveled singing songs to cheer the way.
- You would have to go to Sialkot by way of Gujranwala. (=through)
- He went out of his way to collect the references in support of his viewpoint.
- One way or another (=by some means)
- You must be careful about this. Please don’t look the other way. (=don’t ignore)
- Way of thinking
- Ways and means (=method of achieving something)
- Way-worn (= tired with travel)
- Unless I am mistaken,---
- The police arrested her, but it turned out to be a case of mistaken identity
- Money makes the world go.
- Money talks.
- Made of money(=very rich_
- For my money (=in my opinion)
- Make the most of something (=to get the best advantage from)
- Chocolates make my mouth water.
- I am not much good at tennis.
- Minuscule(adj)= extremely small
- Misguided(adj) / I was misguided of you. / misguided attempts etc.
- Quotidian(adj. n)=of every day; commonplace, trivial
- Quod erat demonstrandum . QED.= which was the thing to be proved
- On the qui vive = on the alert; watching for something to happen
- Have an arrow left in one’s quiver = not be resourceful
- That is quite another matter.
- Quit hold of = loose
- Quisling(n)=fifth columnist
- In quires = in sheets, unbound
- In quintuplicate = in five copies
- Quintet= any group of five
- Quintessence (n)=the most essential part of substance
- Quinsy(n)= an inflammation of the throat
- Quinquagenarian= from 50 to 59 years old
- Quiescent (adj)=motionless, inert
- Quiddity(n)—ies= the essence of a person of thing.2. a trivial object
- Quids in=in a position of profit
- Quicksilver (n)=mobility of temperament or mood
- Quicken (v)= make or become quicker. Give life to, animate
- In quest of =seeking
- Querist (n)=a person who asks questions
- Quasi-= / quasi-scientific
- A quart into a pint pot =a large amount fitted into a small space.
something difficult to achieve.
- Qua= in the capacity of; as being / Napoleon qua general
- Quadragenarian= from 40 to49 years old
- Pyrexia (n)= a technical name for fever
- Shirtsleeve (adj) = not wearing jacket esp. because of hot weather etc.
/ There was a large shirtsleeve crowd to watch the cricket match. /
Shirtsleeve diplomacy.
- In the shit =in trouble
- Shit oneself = 1 to pass solid waste from the bowels accidentally; be very afraid
- Kosher =correct, genuine, legitimate; Kosher foods.
- Kooky (adj)= crazy
- Kook (adj) = crazy
- Koel (n) =dark colored cuckoo
- Knowlegeable (adj) = well-informed, intelligent
- Come to one’s knowledge
- To my knowledge
- You never know = nothing in future is certain
- Know what’s what = have adequate knowledge about the world
- Know-how = practical knowledge; natural skill
- Know-nothing (n) = an ignorant person
- I knew it! = I was sure that this would happen.
- Don’t you know = an expression used for emphasis ( such a bore, don’t you know)
- Be not to know =have no way of learning (wasn’t to know they’d arrive late) 2. be not to be told (She wasn’t to know about the party.)
- Knockout drops = a drug added to a drink to cause unconsciousness