Branches of each tense:

The time of the verb is simply called  its Tense.
There are three main tenses:-
1: The Present Tense
2: The Past Tense
3: The Future Tense

Formation of the three main tenses
1)The Present Tense ----   The first form of the verb:
 I go ,I see
2)The Past Tense--------   The second form of the verb:
                                                 I went ,I saw
3)     The Future Tense -------Shall or will and 1st  form:   
Branches of each tense:
  Each tense has four branches:
4)Perfect continues

The Present Indefinite Tense:
Sub+verb1st form+s/es+obj
He goes to school
She plays
It gives milk
Imran reads

The Past Indefinite Tense:
Sub+ verb 2nd form+obj
I drank milk
He went to school
The children made noise

The Future Indefinite Tense:
Sub+ shall/will+ verb 1st form+ obj
I will drink milk
He will go to school
Children will make noise
Silent Tears
Nobody Is Perfect and I am Nobody

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