" Dear students, i welcome you once again to my tariq aziz channel
i have very
exciting news for all of you !!!
exciting news for all of you !!!
i am sure you
will love this !!!!
will love this !!!!
i have two
amazing surprise for my students, who watch all my videos
amazing surprise for my students, who watch all my videos
Its a surprise for all
the students who are faithful to my channel, who learn english with me and who
do every assigment i give in this channel.
the students who are faithful to my channel, who learn english with me and who
do every assigment i give in this channel.
This is a surprise for
everybody who wants to particiape without exception at all. This is the first
time i am going to do this and i am very excited to do this for you.
everybody who wants to particiape without exception at all. This is the first
time i am going to do this and i am very excited to do this for you.
gift A precious ilustrated " english book one " for beginners written
by me: your teacher tariq that has ten easy lessons, you will find exercises in
all the lessons to make practice and a workbook included which will be very
useful for you to practice your english writing and do your own exercises by
your own, so you can evaluate how much you have learned because the workbook
has easy exercises acording to every lesson where you can fill the blanks.
gift A precious ilustrated " english book one " for beginners written
by me: your teacher tariq that has ten easy lessons, you will find exercises in
all the lessons to make practice and a workbook included which will be very
useful for you to practice your english writing and do your own exercises by
your own, so you can evaluate how much you have learned because the workbook
has easy exercises acording to every lesson where you can fill the blanks.
the second gift i will give is a precious english cd one with the same ten
lessons which are in the book one. So you can listen to the cd and follow my
lessons in the book.
The cd doesnt contain
only the ten lesson, it contains precious selected golden words in english and
urdu which you liked and five beautiful english songs which you love because
these songs will be a funny complement for your study of english language.
only the ten lesson, it contains precious selected golden words in english and
urdu which you liked and five beautiful english songs which you love because
these songs will be a funny complement for your study of english language.
The songs are funny
and you will love them.
and you will love them.
You will be able to
sing the songs along the cd and learn the lyrics of the songs (written songs)
because in the english book you will find a part where you will find the
written songs and you will read and learn easily all the songs of the cd
sing the songs along the cd and learn the lyrics of the songs (written songs)
because in the english book you will find a part where you will find the
written songs and you will read and learn easily all the songs of the cd
This competition will
last exactly one month. I mean: it starts today 09 september and it will be
over on october nineth 2017.
last exactly one month. I mean: it starts today 09 september and it will be
over on october nineth 2017.
The conditions for you
to participate are quite simple and easy.
to participate are quite simple and easy.
First condition:
You have to subscribe
to my both channels : tariq aziz channel and learn urdu channel. This is very
compulsory to do for every person who wants to participate.
to my both channels : tariq aziz channel and learn urdu channel. This is very
compulsory to do for every person who wants to participate.
Tariq aziz channel
link : www.youtube.com/tariqaziz1
link : www.youtube.com/tariqaziz1
Or search on youtube
Learn urdu channel
link: www.youtube.com/learnurduenglish
link: www.youtube.com/learnurduenglish
Second condition:
You have to follow me
in instagram or facebook (
in instagram or facebook (
Intragram id:
tariq15may1987 "follow me"
tariq15may1987 "follow me"
Facebook page : www.facebook.com/learnenglishurdu
You have to make a
comment under this video telling me that you are following me in instagram or
comment under this video telling me that you are following me in instagram or
Third condition:
You have to like
pictures in instagram or you have to like facebook post
pictures in instagram or you have to like facebook post
Fourth condition:
From the date of this
video announcement, you have to like all
my english video lessons till the date of the end of the competition.
video announcement, you have to like all
my english video lessons till the date of the end of the competition.
Fifth condition:
Last but not least,
you will have to like each and every video lecture of this channel so that you could be considered as a regular
student of this channel.
you will have to like each and every video lecture of this channel so that you could be considered as a regular
student of this channel.
From this date which
the competition starts you have to do every assigment i will give in my video
lessons, you will have to do every assigment and write all the assigments under
all the video lessons in comments.
the competition starts you have to do every assigment i will give in my video
lessons, you will have to do every assigment and write all the assigments under
all the video lessons in comments.
It doesn not to be
perfect assigments, i only want to see your efforts in your assigments, i want
to see that you fulfill with the assigments, no matter if they have mmistakes.
Please dont worry about this.
perfect assigments, i only want to see your efforts in your assigments, i want
to see that you fulfill with the assigments, no matter if they have mmistakes.
Please dont worry about this.
But you have to do
every assigment, without exception during this whole month.
every assigment, without exception during this whole month.
I will check that the
winner has fulfilled with all the conditions.
winner has fulfilled with all the conditions.
If a person who
didnt fulfill with the five conditions which i am telling in this video can not
participate to win the prize.
didnt fulfill with the five conditions which i am telling in this video can not
participate to win the prize.
" at the end of
this month i will make another video announcement where i will tell the name of
the winner ( or winners) of the contest, so please you have to be very pendant
about that video, so you can know who is the winner of my gifts.
this month i will make another video announcement where i will tell the name of
the winner ( or winners) of the contest, so please you have to be very pendant
about that video, so you can know who is the winner of my gifts.
I will tell the name
(or the names)
(or the names)
winner will have 7 days to communicate with me to get an agreement about how i
will give the prize to him or her. "
winner will have 7 days to communicate with me to get an agreement about how i
will give the prize to him or her. "
I wish you the best to
all of you."
all of you."