English Vocabulary words

Assalam o alaikum today i am sharing with you English Vocabulary words you can also read English vocabulary builder

Forgo, Elicit, Vanish, Banish, Soothe

Forgo (V) Abandon, Leave, Give up
I can't forgo my claim over the paternal property.

Elicit (V) Bring out (something secret etc.)
The pleader elicited the truth from the accused in the court.

Vanish (V) Disappear
The thief vanished into the crowd as soon as he saw the police

Banish (V) Send somebody away
Prospero was banished out from Milan by his wicked brother Antonio.

Soothe (V) Calm, Comfort
One can soothe one's senses in the lap of Mother Nature.

Stray, hound, Detriment, Filthy, Pant

Stray (V) Wander away from the right path or place unintentionally
He usually strays a bit from the main point while is delivering a lecture.

Hound (V) Chase or bother relentlessly
Police kept hounding the absconder and finally they arrested him.

Detriment (N) Harm; Loss
The company's meticulous strategy will not be a detriment of its fast growth

Filthy (Adj) Extremely dirty; extremely unpleasant
Her husband's filthy character brought about much gap in the relationship.

Pant (V) Say something breathlessly
The shepherd told about the wolf's terror panting.

Sparing, Afflict, Spare, Collapse, Inadvertence

Sparing (Adj) Economical, Reserved
Children called him Silencer as he spoke sparingly.

Afflict (V) Cause somebody to suffer from
He being afflicted with fever could not attend the party.

Spare (V) Extra
There being a spare seat next to me, I told him to sit there..

Inadvertence (N) Unwillingness
Desdemona drops her handkerchief by inadvertence.

Collapse (V/N) Fail badly, Become fully unsuccessful
She collapsed in a flood of tears.

Predilection, Phlegmatic, Choleric, Protagonist, Rein

Predilection (N) Liking, Preference
Though they like everything to eat but their predilection is for fried lobsters.

Phlegmatic (Adj) Calm and composed, not easily excited
Being phlegmatic, he has never been seen angry.

Choleric (Adj) Bad-tempered, Irritable
You had better keep away choleric people.

Protagonist (N) Main character of a drama, film etc., Hero
If the protagonist is beaten by the antagonist (Villain) in a film, we express sympathy with him.

Rein (V/N) Control
India had suffered much in the rein of the English.

Adventurous, Bloodlust, Circumspect, Circumvent, Enlighten

Adventurous (Adj) Ready to take risks
His adventurous journey started through the dense jungles of Madhya Pradesh.

Bloodlust (N) Desire for bloodshed
Bloodlust terrorists do not have any religion and a definite principle.

Circumspect (Adj) Watchful, Alert, Cautious
We remained circumspect until we had crossed the danger zone.

Circumvent (V) Evade, Outwit
A seasoned leader knows how to circumvent the difficult questions of the media.

Enlighten (V) Give someone information
The media enlightened the public about the scam committed by apex leaders of the country.

Mow, Lowly, Taciturnity, Sagacious, Terminate

Mow (V) Cut grass by hand or with a machine
The regular mowing of grass keeps the field beautiful enough.

Lowly (Adj) Humble, Modest, Unpretentious
A lowly person has no fear of falling down.

Taciturnity (N) The state of being uncommunicative, quiet
Your taciturnity will fail to earn you any friend in this new locality.

Sagacious (Adj) Wise, Clever
Only the sagacious can satisfy us by passing out better judgement.

Terminate (V) End
Farmers use pesticides to terminate vermin.

Gallop, Pile, Mortuary, Moribund, Penitent

Gallop (V) Increase very fast
India's population is galloping causing much headache for the government.

Pile (N/V) Hoard, Collect
Many countries are in the rat-race of piling up arms and ammunition, which is a danger to the existence of the whole world.

Mortuary (N) A place where dead bodies are kept for identification
In the gruesome accident, two people were killed and whose bodies were kept in the mortuary.

Moribund (Adj) Lacking energy or vitality
In the scorchingly hot day, plants and animals seems moribund.

Penitent (Adj/N) Regretted
Father is penitent as he has slapped his daughter.

Secluded, Sagacious, Relinquish, Repeal, Sanguine

Secluded (Adj) Isolated, Alone
Sita was leading a secluded life after the virulent remarks by the subject.

Sagacious (Adj) Wise, Prudent
He being sagacious people approach him to patch up quarrel.

Relinquish (V) Abandon, Forsake
Finally, the fake mother relinquished her claim over the baby.

Repeal (V) Cancel
All draconian Laws such as POTA, TADA, to end terrorism has been repealed by the government.

Sanguine (Adj) Hopeful

Shyam is sanguine about the results in the examination.

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