Essay Topics

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Essay Topics

Essay Topics

Write an essay about "banning of smoking in all public places":

Banning of smoking in all public places

         Smoking is a dangerous and harmful habit. It causes many deaths a year because of smoking-related diseases. In the first place, it causes cancer and harms the lungs. Secondly, the cigarette smoke has bad effects on passive smokers (people who don't smoke but are in a closed place with people who do) especially children. Furthermore, it pollutes the environment we live in. Non-smokers would prefer a smoke-free environment. Adults smoking in public set a bad example to children and teenagers. Teenagersmay start smoking because a member of their family does or a friend or just to look older.
In my opinion, making life harder for smokers, i.e. the government should not give free health care to those who smoke would make them give up smoking. A ban would save lives and save the government lots of money in health costs       

Compare life today with life 50 years ago

Life today is better than 50 years ago. For one thing, today schools have modern buildings whereas they used to in houses made from mud. Secondly, everyday life is easier today. Today we have schools everywhere whereas they used to go to towns to get their learning. Finally, we have many means of transportation like cars, trains and planes whereas people used to travel to their destination  by donkeys and camels.

Life today is worse than 50 years ago. For one thing, in the past, people used to have real conversation whereas they don’t talk to each other nowadays. Secondly, people used to be healthier because they used to work but nowadays most of them are couch potatoes. Finally, people used to have real conversations. Nowadays, they don’t talk to each other because of that silly television.


'Cigarette advertising should be illegal'

Cigarettes are very harmful to the health of smokers and passive smokers alike. It makes many diseases. Let’s start with  cigarette advertisements. Cigarette advertisements can be seen everywhere , on buildings ,on walls , on high ways and even magazines. Everyone sees them. Cigarette ads give teens the message that smoking can help them to become attractive, desirable, and independent by showing successful, popular and sometimes attractive people smoking when the reality is quite different. These ads do not mention the dangers of smoking. Young people may easily be influenced by cigarette ads because they sometimes try to imitate famous people like actors and singers. Smoking is very common among young people especially those who accompany bad people. 
Personally, I think cigarette advertising should be illegal because these ads do not warn or remind people about the bad effects of smoking.


'How to reducethe number of car accidents'.

There are thousands of car accidents a
year which cause serious injuries. Most of
these accidents have one of the following
Firstly, the driver is driving too fast.
Or sometimes, the driver is not concentrating
when i.e. using mobile phone , changing
 CD or talking with a passenger.

A third cause of accidents is when the driver doesn’t obey road signs e.g. he doesn’t stop in traffic lights when the red light is on.
 Last but not least, badly maintained cars, e.g. bad brakes, may increase the number of road accidents .

There are several ways the government could deal with this problem. Firstly, they could increase the number of traffic police and install more speed cameras. Furthermore, they could demand the drivers for regular checks on their cars and also there should be stricter driving tests.
In my opinion, the best solution would be to impose heavier fines on those who use mobile phones while driving and an awareness campaign should be held by the media that people should not drive in badly maintained cars or when  they are drunk, explaining the consequences of such cases. In addition to that there should be a speed limit especially inside cities and towns.

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