- Assalam o Alaikum Today there are alot entertainment in these Interview Question
A. What would you do if you would be visibal for a day?
B. What would you do if you had 1 million dolloris?
C. What would you do if you could fly?
D. What would you do if you had a space ship?
E. What would you do if you could any where?
F. What would you do if you could be as small as bug?
G. What would you do if you saw a ghost?
H. What would you do if you saw a bear in the forest?
I. What are some thing that you regrat doing?
J. What are some thing you wish you could do?
K. What wpuld you do if your wish come true?
L. If a geine came out of a bottle nd granted you three wishes what would you wish for?
M. I wish I had ?
N. I wish I had not?
O. What food do you like eating?
P. What sport do you enjoy ?
Q. What do you enjoy reading?
R. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?where do you enjoy going?
S. What kind of movie do you enjoy?
T. What is your aim of life?
U. What is your hobbies ?
V. What is your nick name?
W. Who is your favorite actor?
X. Who is your favorite teacher?
Y. What is your favorite ice cream?
Z.What colour do you like?
Written by pari
Golden words by tariq
Mai buro mai lak bura sahe par tra banda hun sahe
Mara ghonaho ko na dakha mulla
Mara katao ko na dakha mulla
Mujha bashak dy mulla
Aur apna siwa kisi ka mohtaaj na kar mulla
Tu mujha apna bana ly mara mulla mara ALLAH
Golden words by tariq
Khush rhana k lia dosro ko khush rkhna zarori hai
Dil ka sukoon k lia ALLAH k zikar zarori hai
About Pari
she is my best student. She is in 2nd year commerce,she is an honest and intellgent girl she has been learning english for 1 week, she works hard here are more detail
she is my best student. She is in 2nd year commerce,she is an honest and intellgent girl she has been learning english for 1 week, she works hard here are more detail