The term ‘Commercial Education’ includes practical training in the field of commerce. It covers professional courses like accounting, banking, book-keeping, business methods, costing, marketing, income-tax practice, higher statistics etc.

Pakistan is a developing country. The importance of commercial education in Pakistan cannot be overlooked. We are living in an age of commercial and technical revolution, and for the real progress of commerce and industry we need efficient and trained hands. Therefore, commercial education is of imperative necessity in our country. It becomes all the more important in view of the fact that we do not have sufficient number of trained persons.

Modern business is highly complicated one. It is an elaborate machinery with wheels and counter wheels nicely adjusted and regulated to well-planned ends. The commercial education acquires our young men both with the theoretical as well as practical aspects of all matters relating to it. The study of theories practices of commerce, trade and industry enables a business man to see things in their true perspective. It equips him with the knowledge of the tendencies which are at work in the business market.

Now the importance of commercial education is being realized every where in Pakistan. The Government has introduced commercial education at the college and university level. Commercial institutes have been started at almost all the important cities of Pakistan. But one feels that still commercial education has not received it due. There should be more opportunities for higher education in the field of commerce than they are available at present. It is wrong to presume that the students of commercial education have no future prospects. There is boundless scope for expansion of industry and commerce in our country. The scope for a hard-working intelligent young man in the field of commerce is great. There are as many branches as there are temperaments to suit. For many years to come there will be available jobs for persons having commercial education in commercial firms, banks and industrial organizations.

Let us hope that the Government will give more and more attention to this need of the nation. The study of B.B.A. (Bachelor of Business Administration) should be introduced in the degree colleges. Additional facilities should be provided at the college and university level.

Author's view

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