Important Essay 2015 For Students

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Media is a way of communication in modern world. Media is divided into Electronic media and Print media. Newspapers, Magazines and other weekly editorials etc are included in print media while Television, Radio, Cable TV Network, Internet etc. are called electronic media.

Print media has its great influence on society, Majority of people read newspaper daily early in the morning. Electronic media in its every form is a big source of mass communication. It produces its direct effect on common people. It is the great source of providing entertainment. The impact and influence of electronic media, satellite, dish and cable transmission. The electronic media in the form of satellite transmission, internet, cable net, dish and cable network has many useful effects. It helps to give information about different parts of the world. It gives current news and information about what is happening in the world. Electronic media is the great source of knowledge about geographical facts of the world. It also provides information about new discoveries, Media is the wonderful source of knowledge about science, universe, oceans, sociology and politics.

As media has its positive effects, it has also some negative effects of society student young boy and girls waste their precious time on chatting and visiting useless websites on Internet and Cable net. Sex materials, sex entertainment talks on internet directly influence on the creative capabilities of generation. This kind of entertainment destroys the moral value and due to this sex crimes are increased. The movie channels on satellite transmission and cable TV network channels provide movies and dramas with full of glamour, fashion and sex motivating scenes which cause to damage the peaceful life. In movies, the violence containing scene produce great effect on young people, they also try to react like that they had seen in the movies, the violence terrorism and crimes are increased: The role of media is very important in the modern world. It is a source which is directly related to try to broadcast such programmes which build up the moral values in the society.                 



Where will I be 5 years from now? That really depends on what day you ask me. Maybe I will be designing high-speed computer networks. Perhaps I’ll be working on new fiber optics applications. Or maybe I’ll be pioneering a new field as yet unheard of. Whatever I end up doing, an education will put me on the path to success.

Since I entered in graduation, I have begun to realize that I have yet to begin my life; everything up until now has been practice, as if I have been in a cage and it is only now that I am beginning to break free and do things for myself. Now I come to a crossroad in my life where I choose what to do with my future, choose what will make me happy. I must work really hard to give my family a better future so it will be easier for my brothers and sisters to concentrate more in school, because without education there’s really no future for anyone. I will only accomplish my goal in being happy when I am able to live my life for myself and still able to provide love and support to others. This includes graduating from high school and college, and finding the perfect job. I want to be satisfied with my decisions and most of all to be able to live up to the expectations I have for myself.

Since I started my first job in 2007, my parents have insisted that I have a part-time job. From these experiences I have learned many practical job skills, to work with a wide range of personalities, and to take on job responsibilities. The opportunities to work with computers and electronics have helped to shape my future goals and interests.
All that work really made my hungry and got me interested in the field of accountancy. I hope to develop skills that will lead to a carrier in this field, through its program, will offer me the chance to build these skills through practical, hands-on experiences. In addition, academic course work will provide me with the knowledge foundation that I will need to be successful.
How do I see myself in 2015 is having a great job with a loving family who’s willing to support me in my good and bad times. But now I realize that there are so many other steps I need to take in order to achieve these so called goals.

I wish to see differently in 2015 by myself in the poles apart fields. I would be spending my social life, my professional life, and would be living in Pakistan.
From my school life, I had a plan to be a Chartered Accountant, I wish I would complete my qualification and will have finished my education too. I would like to serve my services for the domestic firm, where I can take an opportunity to serve for my country.
Live everyone wants to have his own family and children, I do have the same. In 2015, I might have married and having a married life. I would love to live with joint family and would prefer to provide sufficient education that they can live their lives well too.
Furthermore, I would rather serve my services for our own country, I would not be like other who study in their own country and serve to our country, like Middle East, UK, USA, and other developed countries.
I wish I can fill my all dreams and my all dreams come true, but these all objectives can be achieved only if I word hard, sincerely, and honestly.


Life of any city is full of hustle and bustle, huy and cry, hurry and worries. Same is the case with Karachi City.

Karachi is the seventh largest city in the world. People living in this highly city of Pakistanenjoy better amenities of life which is full of glamour, attractions and charms of entertainment, yet on the other hand a city which deals with great problems and pressure. That is why this city is also named as “A city of Mega Problems”. The most annoying and trouble some problem is the transport problem.

People living in Karachi often have long distances to travel to work everyday hence we need a god infrastructure and a faster and reliable mode of transport. With the rising petroleum prices it is not feasible any more to travel on ones own transport and to travel in a public transport has so many other varieties of problems. This situation leaves one perplexed as to how to solve the evergreen transportation problem.

The most pain-giving problem is the matter of corruption and bribery. Murders, shooting, stealing, robberies, snatching mobile phone, motorcycle and cars including ladies purses are the daily events of the Karachi City. Courtesy, decency, goodness and justice are rarely observed among common people life.

Living expenses are very high in Karachi. As the cost of petrol in increasing, cost of living is also increasing accordingly. It is true that people earn more in cities but another truth is that they spend more as well. Accommodation is very expensive in Karachi and not everyone can afford a house here. Then there are the utility bills to be paid by making long queues outside the bank. People living in Karachi have to maintain a certain standard of living as well and the whole system of the city is based on finance. Dishonesty is growing and adulteration in commodities becoming a common practice people do not get pure things to eat.
People become isolated living in cities. They become self-centered and seem to careless about others. Time and money becomes their only priority and family life and social values take a back seat for them.

The worst problem is urbanization. Pollution is another life taking problem. Smoke emitting buses and minies, overflowing gutters, in sanitation, poisonous gases and waste deposits have created great danger to the life of the people.

The most pain-giving problem is the matter of corruption and bribery. The Karachi-Police is not bearing a good fame. They generally found to be involved in creating harassments among innocent people and they are always found making foul money. The students face great problems in admission. Education is sub-standard and very expensive. Hence there are many problems that one has to face if one lives in Karachi.

Mobile phone is a wonderful invention of modern age. It is an electronic device meant for instant communication. It has replaced the domestic phone set. It is a small slab like instrument used to send and receive message from one person to the other. Mobile phones are cordless and function like wireless system. Its receiving and transmission is governed by a small chip called Sim.

Mobile phones are becoming more and more common day by day. It is a very useful instrument. Mobile phones are being used in banks, in business concerns, industrial organization, hospitals, offices, homes etc. as they are small sized portable and convenient to use.

Several persons working in industries, offices, hospitals, banks, homes and other poor or well-to-do persons have mobiles phones with them to contact the police or the concerned authorities in case of any emergency like dacoity fire, or natural disaster arises.

Similarly, mobile phones are used by highway police to apprehend criminals. Police authorities use mobile phone to contact with various other police stations to exchange information to make secret investigation to apprehend the un-away criminals.

The usefulness of mobile phone has made it very common and we can see mobile phones everywhere in the hands of hawkers beggars, sweepers etc. etc.

Mobile phone through something very amazing useful becomes a curse in the hands of bandits, thieves, and youth. Our youth and others are misusing this magic box (mobile phone) for their evil designs and love-affairs.

Other youth both sexes keep mobile phones in their bed rooms to contact their boys and girls friends to develop love-affair keeping the parents ignorant of their wrong-doings.

Use of mobiles phones by school and college students is totally unnecessary and should be avoided as far as possible. Mobile phone snatchers, car-lifters, smugglers and dacoits etc. make frequent use of mobile phones to conduct crimes successfully.

So, we can summarize all this by saying that mobile phone is a very wonderful and useful device and is a necessity of the day but it proves to be a curse if misused.


Street crime has become a common issue these days in the city of Karachiand almost everywhere the youth is targeted in these crimes and the most common target to snatch are mobile phones.
These robbers come well armed and well prepared both physically and psychologically to commit the crimes. These people overpower the victim by fear and weapons. The youth these days is very much in fear that whether to carry a mobile phone or cash while traveling at any time of the day. It is not just night time that is dangerous but also day time. Anytime, anyplace and by any means these culprits get hold of helpless and innocent people walking on the street and rob them of all valuables, cash and mobile phones.

Our beloved Quaid-e-Azam said “Don’t punish the criminal, try to find out the causes which compelled one to commit the crime”. If you punish a criminal, there are chances that the criminal may be crooked further and turn out to be a hardened criminal with the lapse of time. So, try to eradicate the causes of crime so that the problem is resolved. In so far as our society is concerned, we are faced with a number of problems and difficulties in our day to day life.

Sometimes we hear that somebody broke into the house of a neighbor and deprived him of his cash, jewelry etc. Snatching of cars, motor bikes and cell phones has become a daily routine and a usual phenomenon.

Some cheaters, rob people of their belongings by putting on military or police-uniforms. All these crimes which are supposed to be the street crimes are increasing day by day. If we want to curb these street crimes we will have to take following measures and act promptly.

1.         The first and the foremost-factor which is responsible for the promotion of street crimes in my opinion is unemployment. So we must take steps to provide our youth with suitable employment.
2.         The system of Zakat distribution must be made more effective. Measure should be taken to recover Zakat from the rich promptly and distribute it among the deserving poor people in a justified manner.
3.         Education should be made free and compulsory for both boys and girls alike.
4.         Police and Rangers should be advised and motivated to be more faithful to their profession and realize their responsibilities fully well.

5.         We must all make coordinated efforts to curb the menace of street-crimes.

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